The application of the electric motor devices, machines, the portable is an integral part of projects many hobbyists, as well as industrial and home and regardless of the power line AC must be; the use of DC motors is the only alternative.
In every project control of the speed of the essence, such as wheelchairs, robotic traction and general movement, it was important to have a way to control the speed in an effective manner.
As in every project it is important, simply therefore was the implementation of a simple driver, which do the job is very necessary, then, if the project is already running, the project should be perfected, to start by adding indicators and special safety devices which will prolong the life of the hole, also intelligence can be added to devices by microcontroler in acceleration and deceleration to get, and believe that this is within the limits that the project requires.
Drive a DC motor
The way to control the speed of a DC motor control of current through the armature, in industrial application is this very effectively with SCR or controlled rectifiers, these devices will control of the current goes to the skeleton of fire the SCR at different times to the cycle; However, if your source of power is already to do DC the efficient way it is produced by PWM (pulse modulation).
Other methods such as a simple variable voltage power supply are inefficient, because energy is resistors came to the internal circuits and if your project from batteries from power runs very quickly.
So, efficiency is a very important issue, on pulse modulation (PWM) the dc voltage hacked will produce a square you control wave on time, although picking tension shaft remains unchanged, the effective current will determine the average, if you can control that, this is the energy, although what you really get a pulsating DC is taxes from relationship to the skeleton to there is no need, filtering, because the valve will take care of inductance.
You have to separate the field circuit to serial Motors out of the question are fitting and your helicopter has the possibility of the reverse polarity only on the valve without polarity on the field to control the direction of motor.
This can by four switching transistors in "H" configuration be, only two active at any time the negative and positive skeleton, if which are active other two polarity is achieved reverse, reversing the direction of rotation of the engine.
When fully tested for a cheap and run with the go here and go to "Motor Control"
I will recommend that with K166 or CK1400 star, but you any hole found range of choices.
Good luck
Nestor Martin
Technical electronics
Don't forget that download full specifications.
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