Monday, December 12, 2011

Electronic Signature - Sure Way of Authentication

Technology has taken a great step in ensuring that data is original and legally transmitted. Today, there has been a wide range of computer crimes that has pressed on the creation of the electronic signature. Life has been made easier to the web servers in that documents files and software is kept original. An electronic signature is defined as a legally recognized means of electronics in which an individual can adopt the contents of any electronic message. It is normally used in authenticating the identity of the one who sent the file or document that has been sent without any alterations.

It is important that security needs to be enforced on any information. This only makes it fair for those who came up with the brilliant ideas that made up that particular document. It is also important that individuals need to know how the electronic signature works. There are various ways in which one can apply the electronic signature. The enforcement of user names passwords is a very common method of ensuring that security has been enabled.

Authentication by the use of passwords is very easy. What normally happens is that the name and password are normally counter checked in order top confirm whether they match. In case the user name and password do not match, the one who is trying to access the file will not be allowed to view it.

The other incredible method of authentication is the use of checksum. This is one of the best yet the oldest methods of authentication. It has been proven to be effective due to its strict commands. It mainly works by providing a form of authentication because an invalid or incorrect checksum normally gives an option that the data has been presented in a certain style. The checksum of 1 byte of information normally has a maximum value that amounts to 255. The electronic signature is the best way in which electronic data can be authenticated.

Looking for more information on obtaining an Electronic Signature? Be sure to check out our link below as TurboSignature is the quickest, most efficient way to get a document signed.

Digital Signature

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